
Player data

From this page the player data files (background data files) can be downloaded.

The player data (background data files) considerably simplify the parts that are the most complex and error-prone of a tournament organization: inputting the player data.
Thus the required data (name, club, NRV/ELO, PID, etc.) can be found very quickly and transferred into the program.

The player data files are updated every Wednesday and every month (FIDE).

Please note that (for privacy reasons / DSGVO) the player data can only be provided in encrypted form for download.
If the player data is opened for the first time with Swiss-Chess (version 9.xx or higher), the data will be decrypted and can be used as before.

Go to:
FIDE and German player data

FIDE player data

Austrian player data

Swiss player data

Belgium player data

FIDE and German player data (with ELO-Rapid and ELO-Blitz)

State: 2025/02/05 (140 MB, 1.300.000 player)


The files (background files) contain the data of all players registered by the German Chess Federation that WinSwiss can use.
Of the German players, which are registrated by the World Chess Federation FIDE, the ELO number and the FIDE ID are also included. In addition, the data of all players registered by the FIDE, but not registered by DSB are still included.

If current DWZ values are required between the publications of the FDSB files, Swiss-Chess can easily create your own background files (see: <Function> - <Create background player data>). .
The data source used is the files published by the DSB on the Internet (DSB - DWZ-Datenbank (Link: Download).

disk.gif (998 Byte) FIDE and German player data (FDSB250205.ZIP)

FIDE player data

State: 2025/02/05 (28 MB, 400.000 player)

disk.gif (998 Byte) FIDE player data (FIDE250205.ZIP)

FIDE player data (with ELO-Rapid and ELO-Blitz)

State: 2025/02/05 (145 MB, 1.200.000 player)

disk.gif (998 Byte) FIDE player data (FIDEEXT250205.ZIP)

Austrian player data

State: 2025/01/01 (600kB, 19.000 player)

disk.gif (998 Byte) Austrian player data (OESB250101.ZIP)

Austrian player data (Rapid-ELO)

State: 2025/01/01 (500kB, 11.000 player)

disk.gif (998 Byte) Austrian player data (OESBR250101.ZIP)

Swiss player data (Switzerland)

State: 6/2024 (160kB, 6.000 player)

disk.gif (998 Byte) Swiss player data (SSB24-6.ZIP)

Belgium player data

Direct from the KBSV Homepage (Link: ELO)
 Weltschachbund FIDE
 Deutscher Schachbund
 Österreichischer Schachbund
 Schweizerischer Schachbund
 Schach Niggemann
 Euro Schach Dresden
 Schachversand Ullrich